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February 10, 2011


Mark - Productivity501

Its hard to let go of paper, but I think you are right. If you haven't touched it in 30 days, there is a pretty good chance you never will. Just don't throw out important tax documents that way.

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I have a similar technique for doing follow-up with customers. With a stack of index cards, and pertinent info on each, I have 3 piles: immediate, waiting, and on-hold. Once the 'immediate' calls are out of the way, 'waiting' and 'on-hold' get moved up. Going through the cards each day, the piles quickly disappear.

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Darshana Joshi

Further to what Mark said, if you cannot throw away paper documents, you can at least digitize them and then store them away. Digitizing will make them more portable. You can tag them as 'urgent', 'important' etc. You can also store details about these documents with the documents themselves; e.g. date of creation, due date etc. And when you are absolutely sure that you have crossed the document retention period (if any), you can safely destroy them using safe and legal methods.

Darshana Joshi

Further to what Mark said, if you cannot throw away paper documents, you can at least digitize them and then store them away. Digitizing will make them more portable. You can tag them as 'urgent', 'important' etc. You can also store details about these documents with the documents themselves; e.g. date of creation, due date etc. And when you are absolutely sure that you have crossed the document retention period (if any), you can safely destroy them using safe and legal methods.

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